

聆 聽 絕 版

世紀50、60年代的美國——前此經已深入「聆聽」黑白草根民謠傳統——開展出1場壯闊的【民歌復興The folk music revival (運動\活動)】 ,這個運動(¿)影響當代美國的社會與文化發展至為深遠,相信愛聽該國民眾音樂或搖滾樂的朋友皆知之甚詳(不然就太遜啦),於此毋庸贅言。

彼時有位叫Ethel Raim的女生——Sing Out》雜誌的音樂編輯,同時是個狂熱的傳統民謠蒐集者[註] ——成立了1支富開創性的7人組[女聲合唱]隊伍,叫【The Pennywhistlers】(1965至1975),出了4枚12吋膠碟,錄了些東歐、俄國與猶太傳統歌子,頗具特色。

但是【The Pennywhistlers】證實了孤狗並非法力無邊的大神,神其實也有捉襟見肘之窘囧,竟然提供不了該團簡略或詳實的資料。
不僅此也,連洞悉音樂大小事的all music guide(AMG),這回也無仨小路用,【The Pennywhistlers】條下僅僅1小行,是伊們第3隻碟標題,編號還弄錯(72024誤植為79024)囧。

另,咱翻閱不下10本磚頭厚的工具書,我他馬從未見到出現【The Pennywhistlers】這詞兒。
係【The Pennywhistlers】已自人間蒸發了呢¿ 抑這隊伍乃咱瞎編¿

咱初識伊們,是老友陳  義仁牧師大力推薦。專攻民謠音樂的他贈咱1枚由卡帶轉摳的cd-R,而卡帶是牧師從台北李  南衡慨借的兩張12吋膠碟辛勤錄製而成(參底下Ⅱ、Ⅲ)——李  南衡即Timo大俠的「令尊」,或作家李  南衡就是啼俠的公子公主恩諒恩誼的爺爺,閣下該早有聽聞。
所以按理,聽得夠多夠早的南衡先生方是論述【The Pennywhistlers】的不2人選,所以咱這兒祇能做做資料的彙整先。

Ethel Raim出過以下幾本書(多與Josh Dunson合編)——
1《Anthology of American Folk Music》
Oak Publications, N.Y.,1973
ISBN: 0825601339
2《Grass Roots Harmony》
Oak Publications, N.Y., 1968
ISBN: 0825600049
3 《A Folksinger's Guide to Grass Roots Harmony》
Oak Publications, N.Y., 1968
4《American Favorite Ballads》
Ethel Raim & Irwin Silber
Oak Publications, N.Y., 2007
ISBN: 0825600944
●還拍過1支關於巴爾幹音樂的記錄片:《The Popovich Brothers of South Chicago》(16mm, Color, 59 minutes, 1978)。
●伊目前擔任已有40年歷史的【紐約‧The Center for Traditional Music and Dance傳統音樂和舞蹈中心 CTMD】藝術總監。

Folkways FW08773‧Cover

Folkways FW08773‧封底
Folkways FW08773‧封底
Folkways FW08773‧封底
Ⅰ《The Pennywhistlers》
LP:Folkways FW08773, 1963

Francine Brown, Joyce Gluck, Sheila Greenberg, Alice Kogan, Boldsi London, Ethel Raim & Dina Suller.

Folkways FW08773‧封底
Paidu Vidu 2:13
Zorii Seceratorilur 1:41
Run Come See 2:50
Que Bonita Bandera 2:05
Kak pa Moryu 2:18
Roll On Columbia 2:53
Jovano 2:42

Folkways FW08773‧封底
S`falt a Shnei 2:21
La Carmagnole 1:07
Woke up this Mornin` 2:45
Amar Rabbi Akiva 2:39
Cotton Mill Girls 2:17
Tudora 2:52
Yerakina 2:35
Amen 2:31

全碟 下 載★320kpbs處理‧【Pennywhistlers.RAR】

Nonesuch H-72007‧Cover
《The Pennywhistlers:Folksongs of Eastern Europe》
LP:Nonesuch H-72007, 1965

Francine Brown, Shelly Cook, Joyce Gluck, Alice Kogan, 
Deborah Lesser, Ethel Raim & Dina Silberman.

Di Arbuzn(Yiddish, 1:57)
Dilmano Dilbero(Bulgarian, 1:23)
Dumai Zlato (Bulgarian, 2:08)
Ladarke (Croation, 4:34)
Letyat Utki (Russian, 3:10)
Maika Rada Sitno Plete (Bulgarian, 2:00)
Mamko (Czech, 2:25)
Oyfn Oyvn Zitst A Meydl(Yiddish, 1:40)
Pastevecke Helokanie (Czech, 0:54)
Polegnala Ya Tudora (Bulgarian, 3:24)
Portland Town (Eng, 2:17)
Shto Me E Milo (Macedonian, 2:28)
Szerelem Szerelem (Hungarian, 0:50)
Will You Miss Me When I`m Gone?(2:55)
Zaspala E Fida (Bulgarian, 1:20)

全碟 下 載◆【Pennywhistlers2.RAR】檔放在米國MediaFire‧‧請慢用‧

Nonesuch H-72024‧Cover
《A Cool Day and Crooked Corn》
LP:Nonesuch H-72024, 1964

Francine Brown, Shelly Cook, Joyce Gluck, Alice Kogan,
Deborah Lesser, Ethel Raim & Dina Silberman
Ruth Ben Zvi-tupan & tambourine;Arthur Rose-dobro & mandolin;
Billy Vanaver- tambura & guitar

Bre Petrunko(Bulgarian)
Bright Morining Star(English)
Daragoi Da Daragoi(Russian)
Dunayetska Voda (Polish)
Dve Nevesti (Bulgarian)
Iz Dolu (Macedonian)
Mayn Rue Plats(Yiddish)
Shol Mili Darozhkai (Russian)
Shtoi Ta Zvon (Russian)
Vido Vido Byala Vido (Bulgarian)
Vricklo Kolo (Dalmatian)
Za Lyesam (Russian)
Nonesuch H-72024‧Label

全碟 下 載◇已併進【Pennywhistlers2.RAR】檔‧下載點在米國MediaFire

1] The Pennywhistlers -《 Майка Рада》

《Rainbow Quest with Pete Seeger》 Episode 21

2] The Pennywhistlers -《 Sto Mi e Milo》

《Rainbow Quest with Pete Seeger》 Episode 21

3] Pennywhistlers - 《Portland Town》

LYRICS: I was born in Portland town I was born in Portland town Yes I was, yes I was, yes I was I was married in Portland town I was married in Portland town Yes I was, yes I was, yes I was I had children one, two, three I had children one, two, three Yes I did, yes I did, yes I did Jimmy and John and Frank made three Jimmy and John and Frank made three Yes they did, yes they did, yes they did Sent my children off to war Sent my children off to war Yes they did, yes they did, yes they did Killed my children one-two-three Killed my children one-two-three Yes they did, yes they did, yes they did Murdered my children one-two-three Murdered my children one-two-three Yes they did, yes they did, yes they did Ain't gonna have no kids no more Ain't gonna have no kids no more No I'm not, no I'm not, no I'm not
《Rainbow Quest with Pete Seeger》 Episode 21

4] Pete Seeger, Pat Sky, and the Pennywhistlers -《 No Sir No》

《Rainbow Quest with Pete Seeger》 Episode 21

5] Patrick Sky, Pennywhistlers, and Pete Seeger - 《Rosin the Bow》

《Rainbow Quest with Pete Seeger》 Episode 21

Ⅳ《Songs of the Earth》
Theodore Bikel & The Pennywhistlers
LP:Elektra EKL 326 (Mono) 、EKS 7326, 1967

cd:Collector's Choice 617742083521, 2007‧‧Price: $12.98

Eric Weissberg-guitar, banjo, mandolin; Anestos Aphanasious-bouzouki; 
Arthur Rose-mandolin; Milija Spasojevic-accordion; William Takas-bass guitar; 
Michael Szittai-cymbals; Ruth Ben Zvi-percussion.

Niska Banja (Serbian)
Oi, Tumani Mayi
Dobryvechir Diwchyno(Ukrainian)
Sjaj Mesece (Serbian)
Get Up Get Out (Scottish)
Sweetest Dreams Be Thine(English)
Segaba la Niña(Spanish)
Kaloda Duda (English, Russian)
Tino Mori and Sva Nok Le Nado (Macedonian)
Thalassa (Greek)
Purim Suite
Kudryafchik Maladoi (Russian)

Folkways FW05717‧Cover
《Songs Of The Civil War 》 Folkways Records FW05717, 1960

02]《Johnny Is My Darling》 Ethel Raim, Elizabeth Knight and Joyce Gluck::O1:26

15] 《Two Brothers》 Pete Seeger, Ethel Raim and Ronnie Gluck::O2:45

這篇文專工寫獻乎阮兮好友Rev.Tan Gi Jin‧God be with him & u.


我們 當下任務宛如追憶歌仔戲老唱片的似水年華, 其實我們是在緬懷和探究上世紀專注於「聆聽」的那個時代精神/文化—— 電視這個機器/媒體/怪獸尚未吸吞/侵噬民眾之眼球與腦洞的50、60年代, 咱們的青壯年阿嬤使著猶未衰老的秀麗耳朵伴隨一個 「仍未被恰當定義」的歌仔戲盛世安身立...